Welcome to American Association of Health Technician

American Association of Health Technician is a volunatary, non-governmental, national certification agency established to recognize those practitioners who have attained a standard of knowledge through structured programs or work experience. AAHT is committed to meeting the chaging and dynamic needs of the healthcare envirment by offering examinations to practitioners to validate one or several skill areas.

The Mission of AAHT

Establish guidelines by which individuals may demonstrate competence in their discipline through certification testing. Establish re-certification guidelines through current continuing education in a given discipline. Provide a mechanism by which individuals who whisk to enter, continue and/or advance in their discipline by certification testing, adhere to the highest ethical standards.

AAHT informs certificants about changes in healthcare, career opportunities, seminars and continuing education through its newsletter, published and distributed in February, June and November.

The AAHT advisory board consists of healthcare professionals who periodically review certification requirements and examinations to assure uniforms enforcement. The competence based examinations are written and peer reviewed by practicing healthcare professionals and educators to assure comprehensiveness and validity.

Lastest News

We offer the certifications most required for employeers.

Start you your renewal certification process here.

Enter here to verify license for our members.

Join to our network and be able to certify professions.

Be part of our instructors network and join our community.

The certification give you a better point of entrance of employment and jobs.



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